Job Seeker ?

Here's Where You Start.

You have questions, we have answers.  Here you’ll find answers to questions we receive frequently.  Don’t worry—there are no bad questions.  Whether you’re new to job searches or haven’t had to look for new work in a while, it’s always helpful to have the information you need.  If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, call or email us today!

Looking for work can be a full-time job in itself. We help job seekers get noticed and obtain positions that match their qualifications at companies that are hiring. We have access to positions that may not have been posted anywhere public and we can get résumés in front of the right people.

We work one-on-one with job seekers to ensure they are considered for positions that best match their skill sets and needs. We offer support resources, as well, such as résumé development tools and interview prep tips.

By helping every candidate succeed in finding a job with the right fit, we help our employer partners succeed, as well.

While specific jobs may last from a few hours to several years, the average employment term for most temporary and contract employees is around three months.

Jobs range from skilled trades to degreed professionals and are available in virtually all occupations.

To attract the most qualified employees, we offer highly competitive wages and benefits that are based on the skill level and position. The average temporary or contract employee typically earns around $17 per hour.

We offer a wide range of services to job seekers, including temporary and contract, permanent, long-term, and temporary-to-hire placements to support multifamily property owners and managers, as well as the thousands of companies who supply products and services to the apartment industry.

We offer support resources, as well, such as résumé development tools and interview prep tips.

Staffing can be a bridge to permanent employment, and the potential for securing a permanent position is a reason people seek temporary or contract work. According to a 2014 American Staffing Association survey of temporary staff, half (49%) of those surveyed chose temporary or contract work as a way of obtaining a permanent job. One third (35%) were offered a permanent job by a client where they worked on an assignment, and two-thirds (66%) accepted the offers of permanent employment.

Temporary and contract employees can choose when, where, and how they want to work—all contributing to valuable work-life balance. A 2014 American Staffing Association survey showed that 85% of staffing employees said work flexibility was highly important and a reason for pursuing temporary or contract work.